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Apple Shares Letter Celebrating 10-Year Anniversary of Apple Pay

Apple Pay Turns 10! Remember Cash? Yeah, Me Neither.

Apple’s celebrating a decade of making us all feel like wizards with Apple Pay, that thing you use to buy coffee by just waving your phone like you’re casting a spell. Launched back in the ancient times of 2014 (when we still used to carry around these archaic things called “wallets”), Apple Pay’s become so ubiquitous, it’s like asking if you remember paying for gas with seashells.

Apple Pay 10

Jennifer Bailey, the Apple VP in charge of making sure we never have to touch physical money again, wrote a whole love letter about it. Apparently, Apple Pay’s used by hundreds of millions of people – that’s like, the population of a small country – in 78 markets. It’s everywhere. Your bodega accepts it. Your grandma accepts it (probably).

Bailey even tells this heartwarming story about watching people in Tokyo use Apple Pay for the subway like it was the most natural thing in the world. No fumbling for change, no awkward ticket machines, just tap and go. It’s the future, people, and it’s already here.

But wait, there’s more! Apple’s not just content with letting us buy stuff. Now they’re adding ways to pay in installments and redeem rewards right through Apple Pay. So, basically, they’re trying to make your physical wallet completely obsolete. Which, let’s be honest, is probably a good thing. Who needs all that leather and random receipts anyway?

And it’s not just about payments. Apple Wallet’s becoming the one-stop shop for everything: tickets, transit cards, even your government ID. Soon, you’ll be able to leave the house with nothing but your phone and a smile. Just try not to lose your phone, that might be a problem.

So, happy birthday, Apple Pay. Thanks for making our lives easier, more secure, and a lot less cluttered. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go buy a sandwich with my watch.

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Tayler Morgan Apple
Content Creator | Former Apple Sales Specialist | @hitomidocameraroll

From the sales floor to the critic's corner, I'm a former Apple Sales Specialist who's not afraid to tell it like it is. Get my honest takes on the iPhone, Mac, and everything Apple. | Los Angeles, California.

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