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Apple Releases watchOS 11.0.1 With Fix for Battery Drain and Touchscreen Issues

Your Apple Watch Crashing More Than a Tesla on Autopilot? There’s a Patch for That!

Remember that shiny new watchOS 11 you just downloaded? Turns out, it might have been a bit buggier than a termite convention. Apple, in their infinite wisdom (or maybe because their watches were spontaneously combusting), has unleashed watchOS 11.0.1 upon the masses.

So, who needs this digital life raft? Anyone rocking an Apple Watch who’s been experiencing more crashes than a demolition derby. Apparently, the Music app had a nasty habit of quitting unexpectedly, making your workout playlist as reliable as a politician’s promise. And the battery? Forget marathons, it was draining faster than a college student’s bank account after spring break. Oh, and for those lucky enough to snag the latest Apple Watch Series 9, 10, or Ultra 2, unresponsive touchscreens were just the icing on the cake.

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But fear not, Apple Watch aficionados! The 11.0.1 update promises to squash these bugs like…well, bugs. It even claims to fix unexpected restarts, because apparently, your Apple Watch was taking “reboot” as seriously as a Hollywood franchise.

To get this digital savior on your wrist, just head to the Apple Watch app on your trusty iPhone (running iOS 18, of course), navigate to “General,” then “Software Update,” and let the magic happen. Just make sure your watch is charged at least halfway and resting comfortably on its charger. You wouldn’t want it to faint mid-update, right?

So there you have it, folks. Apple, fixing the bugs they created, one software update at a time. Now, if they could just figure out how to make the battery last longer than a Kardashian marriage…

Author Bio
Tayler Morgan Apple
Content Creator | Former Apple Sales Specialist | @hitomidocameraroll

From the sales floor to the critic's corner, I'm a former Apple Sales Specialist who's not afraid to tell it like it is. Get my honest takes on the iPhone, Mac, and everything Apple. | Los Angeles, California.

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